Our membership systematically includes all women in graduate programs in the science and engineering departments. In addition, we extend membership to all others who request it at [email protected], regardless of major or gender.
Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWiSE) is open to all participants regardless of identity.
We welcome new members to join our planning committee. If you are interested in joining our next planning meeting, please email us at [email protected].
Planning Committee (2022-2023 AY)
President: Katy Chase (QCB)
Vice President: Ann Cirincione (QCB)
Treasurer: Catherine Day (MOL)
Secretary: Néhémie Guillomaitre (CBE)
Social Chairs: Kaleigh Remick (MOL) and Ananya Chakravati (CBE)
Faculty Advisors
Claire White (Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering)
Andrea Graham (Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Princeton SEAS Advisors
Julie Yun (Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion)
Andrea Mameniskis (SEAS Grad Affairs)